Thursday 20 April 2017

8th Reflection


Hye there!! I’m here again to reflect   about the best mock teaching among the 13 of us. We all have done the best for our mock teaching. But the given task from our lecturer Dr. NG is choose who did the best?
So, now it’s my turn to pick and review the one who did the best for mock teaching. Do you guys have any ideas on who is the person? ASHWINI ? JEN ? VIMAL? LING? Or any others?

Well, it’s our cute little young Jeremy. I personally believed that he really well prepared and also gave his best out of the best for the mock teaching session.

I picked him as the best because :-

1. He used many interesting teaching methods for his students during the teaching and learning process.  

2. He managed well his classroom,students and also his lesson by starting with a story which is related to the lesson of the day.

3. He used interesting teaching methods for his students to memorise the formula in  a easy way. Other than that, I like it when he divided us into two groups which is SUPERMAN VS BATMAN. 

4.  He also cheer up his class while teaching by his sweet innocent smile.😊😊😊

5. He dressed well as a professional educator for his mock teaching.

6. He is a friendly type of person.

7. He is also the type of teacher who patiently answer or teach his students even they asked soo much question.

8. His PowerPoint slides are also simple and attractive with nasi lemak, beauty and the beast and also AirAsia plane as an example for each questions.

Well these are the reasons to pick him as the best from all of us. But everyone did their best too . Congratulations everyone!! πŸ™Œ We did it guys.

And I gonna miss all of you dear friends😒😒😒 I really had good time with all of you even some of us are from different semester or class. Thank you for the co-operation 
from everyone during the class.

Last but not least , i really would like to thank our lecturer DR.NG. because through her lesson for this whole semester , i have learnt a lot. Thank you madam 

my whole class of pedagogy in education  with our lecturer Dr. Ng

they are my crazy classmates.

Well thats’s all from me for today!!

wil love,
vethashini teacher.πŸ’‹❤



Thadaaa!! It’s me again. I’m  really sorry for the late update on my blog post my dear viewers. The semester going to end soon. It’s like we just entered the Pedagogy class, but time flies super fast. As time flies, guess what? I have done with my mock teaching. Since, my name is starting with alphabet ‘V’ which is the one and only “VETHA SHINI”, my turn was on the third week. That’s the only reason I couldn’t update my blog on time.

So, do you all have any idea or guesses on what am I going to talk about on my 7th reflection? Yes!! You are right. The topic of the day is MY MOCK TEACHING.

Basically everything goes well at that moment. But before I started, it was my friend’s turn. During that time, I was super nervous and couldn’t concentrate on my other friend’s mock teaching session. My mind was very disturbed.
When it comes to my turn, I started my mock teaching by greeting the students. Then I started off my lesson by playing a video clip for students to guess what’s the topic of the day. Students started to guess the name of the topic. Then I introduced the topic to my students which is ADJECTIVES for form 1 Amanah. I started to explain more in detailed about adjectives. After few explanation, I had a bucket game to my students to attract their attention. The game is about  creating few sentences using the adjective words given. At the end of the lesson, I also divided my students into two groups and asked them to described about the picture of celebrities that given from the manila card. I believe these activities really attracts the students and they also had fun while studying with me. I also engaged with my students by guiding them. As I said, everything goes well as I have planned earlier.

Maybe I would do some different type of games which are more challenging for my students. Because the games and activity that I arranged for them are quite simple and easy. I also would prepare some gifts for my students to reward them. Other than that, everything was good enough even my slides were attractive as mentioned by my lecturer.

As mentioned by lecturer, the video clip that I have chosen is wrong. Because the video clip doesn’t suits for the form 1 students. It was like kinda childish for them. So, yeah it’s my mistake. I shouldn’t picked that video clip .

Obviously, I like everything about my lesson that I have taught to my students. HAHAHHAHAHHAXX!!! Okie, the main thing that I like from the lesson is my students really had fun and they were able to engaged with me during my mock teaching. I really would like to thank my friends to co-operate with as a student for my lesson. Thanks guys!!

I believe that my activities and class dynamics reflected my teaching principle. Basically, my teaching principles are cooperative learning between students, good communication skills between students and teacher, and students must participate actively on my lesson.

To be frank, I have really learnt a lot what is teaching all about. Through this process, I learnt to do a lesson plan for students. Then the way to do the PowerPoint slides effectively for the students to attract their attention. Moreover, I also learnt on how to pick the effective activity for my students.

So far that’s all from me for now. Take care bubyee.

With LOVE,


Monday 3 April 2017


TUESDAY (28/03/17)

Hello viewers!! This semester is almost going to end soon. The final examination of 3rd semester of 1st year is just around the corner which is on May. And this month is basically assignments submission and presentation month to grade the students through “Formative Evaluation” as our course marks. Bundle of works have to be done by this April. This is what every students faced during their college / university life. The struggle is real man. No matter what I still have to face it I guess. So, let’s gear up VETHA (self-motivation)πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ hahhahahahaxx!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

On Tuesday (28/3/2017), my class were conducted through online discussion due to Dr. Ng’s health issue. My lecturer wasn’t feeling well and she was on under doctor’s order to have  full bed rest at home. Dr. Ng informed us to be ready with the laptop by 9am on last week.
But I’m really speechless with my lecturer’s statement to one of my friend Azie. Madam said that she still able to move her fingers, just not walking too much. And she is the who conducted the online discussion from her house. It shows her enthusiasm and interest on her passion which is EDUCATING the students.

This is how every teachers should be. Enthusiasm is the real secret of the success of being a good educator.

Last week, the online discussion is about “CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT”. I was a bit late to the online discussion which were conducted in Uniec Virtual. But I still managed to enter the discussion.

They have discussed and shared ideas on the differences between class teacher and subject teacher. Other than that, Dr. Ng also talked about proactive teachers. Based on research, proactive teachers spent more time on teaching and less time on reacting. It is essential for proactive teachers to identify the abilities and disabilities of every students in the classroom.

There are many types of students with different behaviours and attitude problems. It is depends on how a proactive teacher handle these students.


I’m still deciding on the topic for the mock teaching during my turn. But I have created a lesson plan on my respective discipline which is English Language.

To be frank, I have spent soo much of time on the lesson plan and the PowerPoint slides for the students/audience. Mock teaching is something not familiar with me. I have never seen a mock teaching before.

click the link down here for the example of a mock teaching :

I already have few ideas on how to attract the audience attention with some interesting activities. Hope my audience don’t get bored with my teaching process. Of course , it’s my job to teach them effectively and I will try my level best on my teaching. It is better for me to do mistake now, and correct myself from now itself.
Seriously, this is going to be my very first mock teaching in a classroom. I have no experience before on teaching a group of students at the same time on a specific topic/subject with the slides and all. So, guys get ready and stay tuned for my mock teaching and reviews from lecturer and my classmates. My turn will be on the following week .
Anyway, all the best my dear friends for your mock teaching. Don’t get nervous and panic on the day. Be confidence on passion. Sure you can give the best for the mock teaching.

That’s all for today. Take care, bubyee my dear viewers. Have a wonderful day ahead.

With love,
Vetha Shini TeacherπŸ’‹❤