Monday 3 April 2017


TUESDAY (28/03/17)

Hello viewers!! This semester is almost going to end soon. The final examination of 3rd semester of 1st year is just around the corner which is on May. And this month is basically assignments submission and presentation month to grade the students through “Formative Evaluation” as our course marks. Bundle of works have to be done by this April. This is what every students faced during their college / university life. The struggle is real man. No matter what I still have to face it I guess. So, let’s gear up VETHA (self-motivation)πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ hahhahahahaxx!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

On Tuesday (28/3/2017), my class were conducted through online discussion due to Dr. Ng’s health issue. My lecturer wasn’t feeling well and she was on under doctor’s order to have  full bed rest at home. Dr. Ng informed us to be ready with the laptop by 9am on last week.
But I’m really speechless with my lecturer’s statement to one of my friend Azie. Madam said that she still able to move her fingers, just not walking too much. And she is the who conducted the online discussion from her house. It shows her enthusiasm and interest on her passion which is EDUCATING the students.

This is how every teachers should be. Enthusiasm is the real secret of the success of being a good educator.

Last week, the online discussion is about “CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT”. I was a bit late to the online discussion which were conducted in Uniec Virtual. But I still managed to enter the discussion.

They have discussed and shared ideas on the differences between class teacher and subject teacher. Other than that, Dr. Ng also talked about proactive teachers. Based on research, proactive teachers spent more time on teaching and less time on reacting. It is essential for proactive teachers to identify the abilities and disabilities of every students in the classroom.

There are many types of students with different behaviours and attitude problems. It is depends on how a proactive teacher handle these students.


I’m still deciding on the topic for the mock teaching during my turn. But I have created a lesson plan on my respective discipline which is English Language.

To be frank, I have spent soo much of time on the lesson plan and the PowerPoint slides for the students/audience. Mock teaching is something not familiar with me. I have never seen a mock teaching before.

click the link down here for the example of a mock teaching :

I already have few ideas on how to attract the audience attention with some interesting activities. Hope my audience don’t get bored with my teaching process. Of course , it’s my job to teach them effectively and I will try my level best on my teaching. It is better for me to do mistake now, and correct myself from now itself.
Seriously, this is going to be my very first mock teaching in a classroom. I have no experience before on teaching a group of students at the same time on a specific topic/subject with the slides and all. So, guys get ready and stay tuned for my mock teaching and reviews from lecturer and my classmates. My turn will be on the following week .
Anyway, all the best my dear friends for your mock teaching. Don’t get nervous and panic on the day. Be confidence on passion. Sure you can give the best for the mock teaching.

That’s all for today. Take care, bubyee my dear viewers. Have a wonderful day ahead.

With love,
Vetha Shini TeacherπŸ’‹❤


  1. Hi teacher Vetha! Reading your blog makes me feel like attending your class already!

    Any ideas on how to attract the audience attention in your class?

    1. hye dear student Jen πŸ˜ƒ Glad to see this. Okie in my opinion, engaging with students while teaching like guide them when they have questions to ask, have some interesting game regarding the lesson of the day, and also having student-centered learning process in my class will attract the students more.

    2. Good one! Btw, I enjoyed you class a lot especially describing Hollywood artist like Brad Pitt, Angeline Jolie and "THE ROCK" :)

    3. Thank you for the heart warming feedback. Take care!!

  2. Hi Vetha... your activities really caught my mind and your hard work actually has paid off.. Good Job my dear.

    1. Hi PriscyπŸ˜ƒ Thank you for the cooperation during my mock teaching dear.

  3. Keep it up Vetha! You can do it!!!

    1. Keep motivating yaπŸ˜ƒ let's give our best together!!

  4. Hi Vetha πŸ˜ƒ Good job in writing on today’s blog. I am so eager to see how you can make the lesson effective and interesting. Waiting for that day. All the best my friend. I know you are going to do a good job. Take care my friend 😊

    1. Good day dear friend😊 Thank you buddy. Hopefully i would like to give my best to my students in future. tc

  5. hi vethaa~~ good job!

    i enjoy your class! looking forward to read your next post~~~

    1. Heloo Azie!! Thanks for your cooperation dear friend. Keep reading my blog post dear😊

  6. Hi Vetha! I liked your mock teaching on the day. You have treat all your students in good way. And the way you taught pretty good. Good luck!

    1. hye uthaya..ohh really? thanks for commenting ya!! hope you enjoyed i my class and learnt

  7. Nice work Vetha! Keep it up!

    1. Thanks buddy.. yeah sure . All the best to you too mimi.

  8. Heyya vetha,~

    What do u wish to do if u r given opportunity to conducting a relief class?
