Sunday 12 February 2017


 ME, MYSELF and I !! ๐ŸŽ“

Hi, my name is Vetha Shini M.Murugiah and everyone can call me Vetha for short. I am 22 years old on this coming December. Currently i am doing my degree in Bachelor of Education majoring in language and literature. My hometown is in Kuala Lumpur. Different people have different ways to handle their stress. I have my own. I usually will make myself buzy to forget about the issue that made me stressed. Other than that, i will talk to my mother, so i can feel better and also i could de-stressed myself.I always chant saying " believe in yourself, so you can give the best". As a student, i have many self goals to be achieve.

Everyone in this world has their own goals to achieve.Same goes to me.My ambition is to become a good educator in future. I love teaching. When I was at secondary school, she was my form 4 Mathematics teacher, Mrs. Anis Sabrina Bt. Abu Bakar was just at SMK (P) Air Panas. Her lesson were hilariously fun. Before that I just hate Mathematics because I always failed that subject. My previous mathematics teacher used to compare me with my other friends. I fell so embraced. But after Mrs. Anis entered in my class, she helped a lot and encouraged me too. I managed to get B+ in Mathematics for SPM. This is why, I always wanted to teach because of my inspirational teacher.
Most of my relatives and friends discouraged me to chose this profession because teachers are paid very low compared to other profession. But money is not everything and now I am passionate to become an educator. I want to become good leader, listener, philosopher and be friendly with my students. I believe that teaching is beyond than everything. By teaching I want to create all other professions and leaders.

I wish to teach English language to high school/colleges and university may major in language and literature. Then I should completing the both requirement to get my degree. This will help me aspire as a teacher in future to improve my skills in lesson planning to my students in classroom. After complete my bachelor’s degree, I want to pursue my higher education in Master’s majoring in TESOL with highly recognized scholarship. Other than that, there are variety of online courses and certificate programs to help me stay current in my profession and work smart to get into the next stage of my career as an educator.

I am also have been involved in offering volunteer services during my foundation. Volunteering is an easy way to offering services without being paid and it is also about team work. The reason I involved in volunteering is because my career path is something similar with it, which is teaching. I believe that teachers also make our community a better place and deliver a service that help everyone to be in better place and teachers are the community helpers. I strengthened a lot of skills necessary for own future career. So, I take a chance by getting outside of the beloved comfort zone through volunteer work.

My teaching philosophy is don't follow someone's foot steps. Have your own identity. Be who you want to be someone who your parents want you to be. Last but not least don't give up.

As an educator,i don't wish to follow one's approaches in transmitting the information of the subject to my students. Moreover,i prefer on student-centered learning process because i want my students take on more responsibility independently. At the same time, i want my students learn to express their personal opinions and ideas towards the subject. I am always responsible to guide and teach them as always.

I strongly believe that i can and i will achieve all my goals to make proud of my parents, family also for my own satisfaction by educating everyone.


  1. Hi. I can see clearly from your blog that you are trying to create a whole new personality about yourself and you want to be different. Can you share something about you which makes you different from others? As in what makes you, YOU. Hoping to hear from you soon.

    1. Hello Jen. Thank you for your feedback. During my foundation I was very quiet and don’t mingle up with anyone because of the new environment. As time goes on, I started to engage with one another and without my knowledge I began to stand against my fear towards people and environment.

  2. Good story! CopyCat isn't gonna work haha~ Everyone is special and I believe through ur talents you can influence others especially the kids~ GOGOGO!

    1. Thank you for your kind words Jeremy and I will definitely inspire everyone from toddler to adulthood.

  3. Believe in yourself so you can give your very best, this is very motivating as i also always believe that 'nothing is impossible because im possible'. Thank you for motivating us :D

    1. You’re most welcome Ling. Keep on be motivated by extrinsic and intrinsic.

  4. Hi, Vetha Shini. It is great to know that you do not want your students to be same as others. In a way, you are motivating and encouraging people that it is okay to be different. I totally agree that everyone is special in their own way and you should not be afraid to show it. All the best in your future ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. hye Ashwini ๐Ÿ˜Š thank you for agreed on my statement dear.

  5. "don't follow someone's foot steps" . I like this words!Be yourself right. I like it but can you share also with us on how you want to explore your world in ur education field in the future. Like what kind of teacher you want to be. Glad to hear from you :)

    1. hello alessandra๐Ÿ˜Š thank you for commenting. Basically I would like to teach students from rural areas who really don't aware of current teaching and learning process. because they are more concentrate to agricultural activities.

  6. Hi,It is truly a good one that a particular person should not choose to copy another person.. Great work my buddy

  7. Hi, Vetha! I absolutely agree that part that you wrote 'don't follow someone's foot steps', because each of them, they have their own specialty and potential. Fighting!!!

    1. good day fizy๐Ÿ˜Š yes you are right. I said so because i want my students shine in their own way and who they are.

  8. Hi Vetha! I really loves your blog! Mostly your blog are inspired me

    1. hye dear mimi ๐Ÿ˜Š Thank you for the heart warming feedback.
