Monday 27 February 2017

1st Reflection of Pedagogy.

Hye, guys. Welcome back to my blog . today I’m here to talk about 1st class reflection of Pedagogy in Education.

Okie guys before I enter into the topics that I have learned in Pedagogy, just give a look on the picture down here. Guess what ? they are my course mates and also my classmates. I’m really glad to know some of them since my first semester. This is our very first class photo in Pedagogy class. And ofcourse more to come yah !! sorry for the bad quality of this picture guys.

Okie , let’s get into the articles that we have learned in the classroom. I have learned two main topics. Anyone have any idea on what I have learned ?

What is pedagogy ???

In my opinion, pedagogy can be defined as the method of teaching. Pedagogy involves being able to convey knowledge and skills in ways that student can understand, remember, and apply.
One of my classmate asked that ‘ what is the difference between pedagogy and didactics ? ’. we had a discussion regarding “DIDACTICS” among lecturer and students. My lecturer DR. Ng answered what is didactics all about.

v Didactics is also a part of pedagogy.
v Defined as theory of teaching and learning .

Now the second article is about  3 theories of school of thought, which are cognitive, humanistic and behavioural school of thought.

These theories are about how the students learn.

The cognitive school of thought
·         The cognitive scientists try to fathom what goes on inside our heads when we are learning.
·         Information processing - About how we utilize the data when  it required. As an  why 
·         Meaningful learning- Includes on how new info can be most adequately sorted out, structured and instructed with the goal that it may be utilized, for instance in critical thinking situation. Example, teacher must present the information in an organized manner by showing a logical sequence to concepts and skills in processing information.
·         There are 2 type of memory which are short term memory and long term memory.
·         4 beliefs and finding should have direct bearing on the way you teach.
        I.Belief about attention

     II.Belief about short term memory

  III.Belief about  long-term memory

  IV.Belief about the memory process

The humanistic school of thought.
·         Focus on the social and emotional learning and development of students.
·         Make kids feels better about positive personal development, feelings, attitudes and etc.
·         Focus too much on accumulating knowledge or skills and too little on helping students learn to become psychologically healthy persons.
·         Example, inviting school success was developed to get teachers to communicate to learners that they are “responsible, able, and valuable”.

Behavioural school of thought.
·         Behavioural school of thought.
·         How our behaviour is modified by our environment.
·         Behaviourists – help us to understand why have as we do we be.
·         There are 4 concepts of prime interest.
   1.    contiguity = simple, stimulus- response.
2.    Classical conditing  = connection between a primary or original stimulus.
3.    Operant = learn through Reinforcement.
4.    Social learning = observational learning.
Example, teacher have a discussion with student about previously covered content and ask questions regarding the topic .

 Based on my perspective, an educator must be able to handle these three theories to their students for an effective teaching processing. That’s all for now from me for today’s reflection. Hope you guys have enjoyed reading my blog.

Stay tuned for the second reflection from me.

Have a wonderful day ahead.

Till then,


  1. Hi vetha, i am so sorry for now only reading your blog, i didnt realise you updated your blog post. my mistake. because whenever i visit your blog, it's always your first post. i should have checked your blog post arrangement earlier.
    btw, nice writing there, keep it up

    1. Hye Ling 😊 its okie friend. im sorry too for replying late for your comment. accept my sincere my apologize. Thank you for the feedback ya!!

  2. Good day my friend. Great job in today’s blog my friend. Thank you for the notes too. After reading your blog, I understand better now. Thank you for that. Keep it up and all the best Vetha 😃 Take care

    1. Hello friend. thank you for the encouraging feedback😊 Hope my notes will help in future as an educator. You too take care ya!!

  3. Hi Vetha! Sorry for the late comment :(
    Btw, nice blog!

  4. Hi. Sorry for the late comment. Good job in writing your post.
