Monday 27 March 2017


TUESDAY (21/3/2017)

Just dropping in to say “HI” to you all. Good day my dear friends. Thank you for those who reading every posts of my blog continuously. I believe my reflections will be helpful to those who interested to become a good educator in future. At the same time, I would like to thank my lecturer Dr . Ng for giving us this kind of activities every week because through this I have learned so many things. Last time I really don’t know how to download a video from YouTube , how to create a blogpost and all. But now I have learnt a lot. Thank you Dr. Ng.

So , let’s look into what Dr .Ng have taught us last week Tuesday (21/3/2017).

When I entered the classroom , lecturer was talking about “MUSIC”. I was blur and wondering what is the connection on music with education. Then Dr. Ng taught us how to get attention of student through music. She mentioned that music is a tool for education.

Music creates abilities that are important in the education field and working environment. Based on reach listening to slow movements enhances the learner performance. It concentrates on students how to perform, truly, all around the world. Those who study while listening to music relaxes the learners mind. It helps them to focuses more on studies. As an example, the classical song which is soft and slow to listen. Classical songs basically improve to calm the students’ mind even I myself like this type of songs. Most of the students nowadays studying while listening to songs. It is good actually.

Not to say we must teach music to students, but how the educators approach music as a method of teaching in academic.

Then, Dr. Ng discussed about learning objectives and learning outcomes of a lesson plan. Learning objectives comprises the whole lesson. Other than that, we shouldn’t state the skills that can be measurable on learning objectives. Learning outcomes refers to the clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the course.

In addition, lecturer also talked about BLOOM’S Taxanomy. Bloom’s taxanomy has been revised by his student. As we go higher, the cognitive level also will increase. Bloom’s Taxanomy were revised on 2001.

 Well, the given task by lecturer for 5th reflection is below : 

Many people neglected to make solid introduction with their PowerPoint slides because they do not know how to do it in a right way. So, continue reading on my post for more information about PowerPoint slides.





🔺Slides are simple and clear.
The PowerPoint that I have selected is utilize with horizontal and also landscape orientation. The slides was planned as an advantages approach to show graphical or images data that would support the teacher to describe more about adjectives to students. Because current generation of learners do not preferred on too much of sentences with jargon and bombastic words. As I said, this PowerPoint consist of simple sentences for better understand of students. It doesn’t matter if the amount of the slides are too lengthy. It is depends on how we as an educator design the slides with clear and precise points. The less mess you have on your slides, all the more capable your visual message will progress toward becoming

🔺Utilization of colours on slides.
Colours or shading are the art. The correct usage of colour can help influence and persuade the students or audiences. Through colour utilization of slides teacher be able to build premium and enhance learning understanding of students. Plain colour either black or white work best as the background of the slides. Because students are able to spot the images or points from the slides even they were sitting behind the classroom. Basically, in some schools the LCD projector is old, so the colours will be difference. It is better to use white or plain colour as background like the slides that I have chosen. As an addition, the slides were applied with different colours of fonts to point out the keywords of adjective. So, it will be easy for students to focus on these keywords.

Utilization of similar text style set all through the whole PowerPoint slides. They have used only two types of reciprocal fonts in the slides such as ARIAL and ARIAL BLACK. It is inappropriate to use different fonts in each slides. Then, the slides look messy all over. Teacher should not choose fonts deliberately. Regardless of what textual style we pick, ensure the content can be perused from the back of the classroom.

🔺Usage of visual aids.
Correct visual aids on slides which is related to the topic. These visual aids will guide the teacher or presenter to increase the best impact on their teaching process. Other than that, images are directly reach to the students’ imagination, adding the power to the teacher’s explanation educator. Educators must ensure the images they choose are in high – quality.

That’s all for the 5th reflection of Pedagogy In Education. Thanks again for reading my blogspot guys. Keep supporting me friends. Have a colourful day ahead. Take care and bubyee.

With LOVE,
VETHA SHINI Teacher 💋❤


  1. Hi there! Good justifications you have there on why you say the presentation slides are good.

    In your opinion, what makes a good power point presentation?

    1. hye😃 Thank you for commenting. In my opinion, the simple and clear point, utilization of colours on slides, the related visual aids like video clips or few animation makes a good and attractive power point slide presentation.

  2. Good day my friend! Great job on saying why the power point is good. After I read your blog, I have more ideas on how to make power point slides more effective and interesting. Thank you for that! Keep up the good job and all the best. Take care my friend 😃

    1. hye there!! ohh really??? Happy to hear this from you. Thanks for your feedback friend. Hope you use my ideas during your teaching practical. 😃

  3. What type of music you prefer the most? :))

  4. Hai Vetha! Good work on explanation! You giving me some ideas more on how to create slides more creativity! Thanks for the ideas! Keep it up girl!

    1. hello mimi!! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Hopefully i have helped you on creating effective slides. Keep motivate ya!!

  5. The power point that you have choose is really good and It was a good explanation indeed.. Everything comes under creativity... GOod JOb done..

    1. Thanks for your feedback priscy!! Keep reading my blog post ya.. Yes you're right.
