Monday 6 March 2017

Second reflection 28/2/2017 (Tuesday)

Hello world and welcome back to my blog again. Many interesting topics are waiting for you. So, stay tuned my dear viewers.  
On 28/2/2017, some of my friends and I came late to class. Almost half an hour we went late to class. We was waiting soo long for the Uber car. Because of that, I missed half of the lesson on that day. I felt bad about it. I’m late because I slept off. So, I missed the UNITAR settle bus. It shows that I should manage my time properly.

The lesson of the day is be on time wherever you go. Especially, as a student we have to be responsible all the time.

When my friends and I entered the class late, Dr. Ng was teaching about 10 THINGS STUDENTS WANT EDUCATORS TO KNOW.
The topic was very interesting and meaningful for all of us. Even we were having discussion together about this topic in the classroom. Now I have a clear picture of this topic what it is all about. Because Dr. Ng and some of my friends shared examples of this topic below.
As an educator, every teachers should know the key points of what students want from them. This 10 things plays important role to the teachers in future.

The class was about :


Ashwini and Uthaya malar get an opportunity to teach as an educator in the classroom. give a look on the picture down there. 😉😉

after knowing the main topic of the day, Dr. Ng also discuss about the second forum that given to all of us in UNIEC VIRTUAL. The title of forum was 3 teaching method for each school of thought of the students. other than that, Dr. Ng shows some articles as an example of pedagogy teaching methods. It helps me alot for more understanding regarding the topic.

Then, all of us given a task by Dr. Ng for the blog. The question is 10 things that students do not want the educators do.

1)   Don’t be late to classroom - Being late doesn't look great as an educator. On the off chance that you are advising your students to not be late in light of the fact that they can't be late for their future employment , then it's clearly not good to be late. Being late will likewise add worry to your day. Arrive a couple of minutes early and begin your day right.

2)  Don’t just follow the textbook – in my opinion, using textbooks are traditional approach and it is no longer being used ( usage of textbooks have decrease ). So, teachers shouldn’t depend too much on the textbooks only. A main reason would be the same information in textbooks can be more easily found on the internet.

3)  Don’t sit down and teach – teachers should avoid sitting down while teaching the students for the whole period. Cause those students who sit at the  back are not able to see the teacher who sit in front of the classroom. Students might missed out the important lessons in by teacher. This habit of a teacher shows their laziness and they are not being professional educators.

4)  Don’t create rules that are essentially unfair - Sometimes the rules themselves can put you in bad situations. For instance, if an educator has a decide that considers no work to be handed over after the chime rings then this could set up a troublesome circumstance. What if the student have a valid reason/excuse? What makes a valid excuse ?These are circumstances it is best to simply maintain a strategic distance from.

5)  Don’t use gadget in the classroom (mobile phone) – teacher shouldn't have phones since it takes the kids' brain off their work and ask this question "on the off chance that we can't have our telephone out why would you be able to" and this raises the children get in hell with their educators and guardians for posing those questions. That is the reason instructors shouldn't have phones in the classroom.

6)  Don’t lose control – as an educator, you should not lose control towards the students. The teacher must be very patient when  they are dealing students with unpredictable behaviours in the classroom. Because different students have different types of attitudes. Students must obey to the teacher’s instructions and respect them at the same time. So, don’t let students do whatever they want when we as a teacher being around in the classroom.

7)  Don’t be favouritism – being favouritism among students as an educator can cause conflict and low morale. It also can harm the teacher’s reputation. Every teachers should treat their students equally and give everyone adequate consideration and praise.

8)  Don’t compare the students with others – students don’t want the teacher to compare them with their friends. Because the student will feel embarrassing and feel down of their self. a teacher should motivate a student to boost their self-esteem but not to discourage them by comparing with other. This is why some students hate their teacher and the subject that they teach.

9)  Don’t give too many works and assessment – students hate too much of homework that given by their teachers. This is why most of them skip classes and do not performing well in their examination. Some students hate going to school because of this issue. Even I myself don’t prefer to do too many homework and assessments.

10)              Don’t gossip about other in the classroom – students do not want their teachers to talk unnecessary stuffs in the classroom. They feel bored when the teacher started to gossiping about others.

Last but not least, my classmates and I given a task by Dr. Ng to read about TOTTO-CHAN The Little Girl at The Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.

 That’s all for today guys. Hope everyone enjoy reading my blog !! kindly drop your comments down there. Take care bubyee. Have a wonderful day ahead.

with LOVE,

just for fun guys :)


  1. Hi Veda. I believe what you are trying to say regarding teacher's not using mobile phones is not to use it oftenly during the lesson. It might disturb the lesson. But I think having them with the teacher will not be a problem if they put their phones to silent mode because it's important to have their phones with them in case of emergency. :)

    1. Good day Jen 😊 Yes you're right too. Handphone is an important gadget for everybody in case of any emergency situation. But they must not over use during teaches the students.

  2. Hey Vetha 😃 Great job on the blog but I disagree with point number 5. I agree that teachers should not use their phone during class time but it is okay to have it with them. They can put in silent mode when they are in class. It is important to have their phone for emergency purpose. Thank you :)

    1. Hye Ash 😊 thank you for comment and keep support reading my blog ya!! i agree with your statement.

  3. Vetha , A good read . About the point number 5 , I would say its not in the matter of bringing phones to classroom but the teacher should not overuse it in the classroom .

    1. Hello Mona. Thanks ya😊 Yeah right , the teachers should overuse cause nowadays most of them are always on their phone just because of social media. That's why i said so..

  4. Hello! nice trying over there.
    erm... little update, reading totto-chan is not a task given my lecturer but it is just a recommendation from her. :D Hopefully it wont stress u up if it is given the task of reading 100pages novel.
    take your time enjoy reading this wonderful story about a girl. Dont stress up yourself vetha.
    looking forward for your next post

    1. Good day Ling!! Yeah i was little confused with the instruction given by lecturer. Sorry ya 😊 keep reading my blog buddy .

  5. Hi Vetha, I really loves your point! It has some that are similar as mine! Keep it up!

    1. Hello mimi!! Hehe thanks for the kind comments.
