Monday 27 March 2017


TUESDAY (21/3/2017)

Just dropping in to say “HI” to you all. Good day my dear friends. Thank you for those who reading every posts of my blog continuously. I believe my reflections will be helpful to those who interested to become a good educator in future. At the same time, I would like to thank my lecturer Dr . Ng for giving us this kind of activities every week because through this I have learned so many things. Last time I really don’t know how to download a video from YouTube , how to create a blogpost and all. But now I have learnt a lot. Thank you Dr. Ng.

So , let’s look into what Dr .Ng have taught us last week Tuesday (21/3/2017).

When I entered the classroom , lecturer was talking about “MUSIC”. I was blur and wondering what is the connection on music with education. Then Dr. Ng taught us how to get attention of student through music. She mentioned that music is a tool for education.

Music creates abilities that are important in the education field and working environment. Based on reach listening to slow movements enhances the learner performance. It concentrates on students how to perform, truly, all around the world. Those who study while listening to music relaxes the learners mind. It helps them to focuses more on studies. As an example, the classical song which is soft and slow to listen. Classical songs basically improve to calm the students’ mind even I myself like this type of songs. Most of the students nowadays studying while listening to songs. It is good actually.

Not to say we must teach music to students, but how the educators approach music as a method of teaching in academic.

Then, Dr. Ng discussed about learning objectives and learning outcomes of a lesson plan. Learning objectives comprises the whole lesson. Other than that, we shouldn’t state the skills that can be measurable on learning objectives. Learning outcomes refers to the clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the course.

In addition, lecturer also talked about BLOOM’S Taxanomy. Bloom’s taxanomy has been revised by his student. As we go higher, the cognitive level also will increase. Bloom’s Taxanomy were revised on 2001.

 Well, the given task by lecturer for 5th reflection is below : 

Many people neglected to make solid introduction with their PowerPoint slides because they do not know how to do it in a right way. So, continue reading on my post for more information about PowerPoint slides.





πŸ”ΊSlides are simple and clear.
The PowerPoint that I have selected is utilize with horizontal and also landscape orientation. The slides was planned as an advantages approach to show graphical or images data that would support the teacher to describe more about adjectives to students. Because current generation of learners do not preferred on too much of sentences with jargon and bombastic words. As I said, this PowerPoint consist of simple sentences for better understand of students. It doesn’t matter if the amount of the slides are too lengthy. It is depends on how we as an educator design the slides with clear and precise points. The less mess you have on your slides, all the more capable your visual message will progress toward becoming

πŸ”ΊUtilization of colours on slides.
Colours or shading are the art. The correct usage of colour can help influence and persuade the students or audiences. Through colour utilization of slides teacher be able to build premium and enhance learning understanding of students. Plain colour either black or white work best as the background of the slides. Because students are able to spot the images or points from the slides even they were sitting behind the classroom. Basically, in some schools the LCD projector is old, so the colours will be difference. It is better to use white or plain colour as background like the slides that I have chosen. As an addition, the slides were applied with different colours of fonts to point out the keywords of adjective. So, it will be easy for students to focus on these keywords.

Utilization of similar text style set all through the whole PowerPoint slides. They have used only two types of reciprocal fonts in the slides such as ARIAL and ARIAL BLACK. It is inappropriate to use different fonts in each slides. Then, the slides look messy all over. Teacher should not choose fonts deliberately. Regardless of what textual style we pick, ensure the content can be perused from the back of the classroom.

πŸ”ΊUsage of visual aids.
Correct visual aids on slides which is related to the topic. These visual aids will guide the teacher or presenter to increase the best impact on their teaching process. Other than that, images are directly reach to the students’ imagination, adding the power to the teacher’s explanation educator. Educators must ensure the images they choose are in high – quality.

That’s all for the 5th reflection of Pedagogy In Education. Thanks again for reading my blogspot guys. Keep supporting me friends. Have a colourful day ahead. Take care and bubyee.

With LOVE,
VETHA SHINI Teacher πŸ’‹❤

Wednesday 22 March 2017

4th reflection

Guess what ?? It’s just me saying Hi again. I’m sorry my dear friends for the late update on my blog. Cause I have been very busy past few days and I never seem to get a minute to myself. I’m sorry again ya!!! Please accept my sincere apology.

So, guys let’s get into the 4th reflection of Pedagogy in Education. Before we start on the topic, I would like to say that teaching is not a easy job. Please don’t get surprised of my statement. Cause my lecturer Dr. Ng always used to ask that “ is that teaching is easy?”. First, I wasn’t serious about it. Then I realised on her statement. Do you know why I said so?? You guys will understand about it at the end of my reflection. Teaching is beyond than everything. 

The fourth reflection is all about LESSON PLAN. We were assigned to create our own lesson plan on last week Tuesday (14/3/17). Dr. Ng have taught us about the lesson plans with some examples of lesson plans from the Uniec virtual.

Okay, let me start the topic of the day. Do anyone knew WHAT IS A LESSON PLAN all about? Don’t worry friends. I’m here today to clear all the doubts that going to pop-up on everyone mind.

LESSON PLAN defined as a plan, which utilized by the teachers in every school with detailing the structure and format of lessons. It helps the educator in both arranging and executing the lesson. Other than that, teachers should know what they are teaching and why they are teaching it, before planning a lesson. A lesson plan is usually takes 40 minutes of duration. which means it is a single period of class.

Here we go with my very own lesson plan :-

Okay, let me explained about some of them that I have mentioned on my lesson plan. Before that, this is the cover page for lesson plan. Because a cover page of a lesson plan described shortly about the students’ background knowledge, learning objectives and learning outcomes and many more. This is why, the lesson plan is must be done before the class. So, the educator be able to consider students’ ability, age, learning preferences interests, available resource, previously taught information and also the institutional program.

Proficiency :
The level of proficiency of the students divided into 4 categories such as beginners, basic, intermediate and advanced.

  • Beginners refers as they are able to read and communicate using simple questions and statements, but can’t communicate and understand basic information during having discussion.
  • Basic refers to students who able to understand presentation and communicate descriptions of problems and solutions, but they can’t take it  an active role in class / can if perform well on related task given.
  • Intermediate refers to the students who can take an active role in class during discussions and perform relatively complex task.
  • Advanced describes the students who able to communicate well and collaborate much like a native English speaker.
Background knowledge :
Refers to the previous knowledge or lesson that have taught to students before in the classroom.

Learning objectives :
3-4 learning objectives are good enough for a lesson plan. It is about what students will learn which included with lesson aim, lesson objective, learning goals, teaching objectives, learning intentions and WALT ( We are learning to).

For example :
·       πŸ“–work effectively in groups.
·        πŸ“–Use evidence to draw conclusion.
πŸ“–Make at least 5 simple sentences 

Learning outcomes :
Refers to the clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the course.

Values :
It is also known as moral values / positive values of the topic that going to teach by the educator.

For an example :
· πŸ“–Cooperation among students when doing pair and group work. (COOPERATION)
·      πŸ“–  Attentiveness

Teaching aids :
Refers to what kind of teaching aids that we use to educate the learners.

For instance :
·      πŸ“– Notebook
·       πŸ“–Lcd projector
·       πŸ“–Worksheet
·       πŸ“–Video clips
·      πŸ“– Slideshow presentation

Teaching and learning approaches :
It describes the set of principles, beliefs or ideas about nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Teachers should not confine themselves to a single teaching approaches, but synthesize from a variety of methods. Because different approaches will attract students’ attention/interest.

For example :
πŸ“šCooperative learning
  • mentor
  • facilitator
πŸ“šCollaborative learning

πŸ“šDirect instruction
  • Expert
  • Formal authority
πŸ“š Inquiry – Based learning
  • Delegator
  • Personal model

KBKK stands for “Kemahiran Berfikir Secara kritis & kreatif” is known as critical and creative thinking skills. The critical and creative thinking skills must be apply based on Bloom’s Taxanomy on the lesson plan.

There are 3 main thing in lesson plan is needed as mentioned by Dr. Ng.

Step 1 : introduction ( pre)
  ΓΌ Introduces students about the topic that going to teach. 
  ΓΌ 10 minutes.

Step 2 : development (during)
  ΓΌ Assign students with an activity in the classroom.
  ΓΌ 25 minutes.

Step 3 : conclusion / closure (post)  
  ΓΌ Lesson wrap-up
  ΓΌ Students summarize the major concepts.
  ΓΌ Teacher recaps the main points.
  ΓΌ 10 minutes.


Rationale :
ΓΌ Explain why the teacher teach that particular topic in the classroom.

AVA (Audio Visual Aids) :
ΓΌ Refers about any device which can be used to make the learning experience more concentrate, more realistic and more dynamic. 

Reflection :
  ΓΌ Optional
  ΓΌ Depends on schools

Last but not least.....

Appendix :
The last part of the lesson plan. It is the copy of the worksheets, material or handouts that have been used in the classroom.

So, that’s all from me for this 4th reflection. 




Stay tuned for my up coming posts. Hope everyone enjoy reading my blog. Take care, Bubyee. πŸ˜‰

With Love,
Vethashini teacher πŸ’‹❤


Monday 13 March 2017



Welcome back to the third reflection my dear viewers. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Last week my pedagogy class has been postponed to the following Wednesday from Tuesday. Because our lecturer Dr. Ng have to attend a meeting outside of the campus.

I also can’t make it to the following class due to some personal issues. I am really sorry for that Dr. Ng. But I still managed to get to know what have been taught in the classroom on that day by Dr. Ng. Some of my friends helped me to explain the topic of the day. Thank you guys. 😘

So, let’s come back to the topic on last week Wednesday.

Okie is there any ideas of the topic based on this picture ????
If yes!! You’re right. The topic is about  student-centered. Let me show a small explain on student–centered classroom.

We are given a task to read an article “NAVIGATING THE BUMPY ROAD TO STUDENT-CENTERED INSTRUCTION” by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent.

The task for our 3rd reflection is as shown in the picture below :

I have chose some issues based on the article. These are :-

πŸ’™ If I spend time in class on active learning exercises, ill never get through the syllabus.

·        Educator should choose an effective activity which can be used in the given period in the classroom.
For example, fishbow debate. Teachers can ask their students to form groups in three and assign different roles for each of them regarding a topic. Then debrief by calling on a few groups to summarize or narrow down about their discussion.

·        It is also essential for the educator to use the sufficient time wisely within 5 to 15 minutes for an effective learning process. On the other hand, educator wont dragging the duration of the class just for the activity and able to cover up the syllabus and the learning activity.

πŸ’™If I don’t lecturer, I’ll lose control of the class.

·        Assigning a group of students to “work together” will tend to make the classroom noisy. Because the students will be discussing more on the task given. And I believe, classroom is not a museum to be silent all the time. It is good if the classroom is noisy. At the same time, the teacher should be able to warn them if they keep on talking about unwanted/irrelevant topic in the classroom.

·        Teacher also can give 5 to 10 minutes break ( take 5 ) to students for a relaxation. By  this, students won’t make too much of noise in the classroom because they are given some time to chit chat among their friends. Even I myself have experienced this situation before. For instance, the duration of Pedagogy class is almost 4 hours. Dr.Ng always used to give break after a long
  discussion for us.

πŸ’™ I assign readings but many of my students don’t read them and those who do seem unable to understand the material independently.

·        To ensure the students have read the material/task given and for those who unable to understand it, quizzes and tests will be given in the classroom with presence of the teacher at the beginning of the period.

·        Educator can also having a discussion/brainstorming session based on the student’s answers of the quizzes. It will help them out to correct them and avoid doing the same mistakes in up coming tests/quizzes.

- As an example, teacher provide 3-4 case studies of similar difficulty. Divide students into many groups to work on it and analyze their case study in the classroom. Provide them 5 to 15 minutes for discussion and walk around to address any questions. At last, pick any group randomly to share their analysis based on their analysis. It shows students have no choice for not reading the case study given. At the same time, for those who unable to understand will have better understanding when it comes discussion because of share different ideas and point of the that particular topic.

πŸ’™If I assign homework, presentation, or projects in groups, some students will “hitchhike”, getting credit for work in which they did not actively participate.

·        All the group members are required to do presentation regarding the assignment/task given. Educator can evaluate the group members by questioning them.

·        Educator also can allow for Q & A session among the students based on the presentation have been presented. By this, the teacher can judge the ‘hitchhike’ of the group.
· Other than that, teacher can use reinforcement/punishment method for students to solve this issue. Those who failed to do their part in group presentation while be given low marks individually / for whole group.

See you guys soon on the my next reflection. I would like to end my 3rd reflection of pedagogy with a proverb for every woman out there. Here we go!!!

Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog and i am waiting for the comments roll in on my blog. Comment me!!! Take care, bubyee. Have a great day everyone.

With πŸ’—,

Monday 6 March 2017

Second reflection 28/2/2017 (Tuesday)

Hello world and welcome back to my blog again. Many interesting topics are waiting for you. So, stay tuned my dear viewers.  
On 28/2/2017, some of my friends and I came late to class. Almost half an hour we went late to class. We was waiting soo long for the Uber car. Because of that, I missed half of the lesson on that day. I felt bad about it. I’m late because I slept off. So, I missed the UNITAR settle bus. It shows that I should manage my time properly.

The lesson of the day is be on time wherever you go. Especially, as a student we have to be responsible all the time.

When my friends and I entered the class late, Dr. Ng was teaching about 10 THINGS STUDENTS WANT EDUCATORS TO KNOW.
The topic was very interesting and meaningful for all of us. Even we were having discussion together about this topic in the classroom. Now I have a clear picture of this topic what it is all about. Because Dr. Ng and some of my friends shared examples of this topic below.
As an educator, every teachers should know the key points of what students want from them. This 10 things plays important role to the teachers in future.

The class was about :


Ashwini and Uthaya malar get an opportunity to teach as an educator in the classroom. give a look on the picture down there. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

after knowing the main topic of the day, Dr. Ng also discuss about the second forum that given to all of us in UNIEC VIRTUAL. The title of forum was 3 teaching method for each school of thought of the students. other than that, Dr. Ng shows some articles as an example of pedagogy teaching methods. It helps me alot for more understanding regarding the topic.

Then, all of us given a task by Dr. Ng for the blog. The question is 10 things that students do not want the educators do.

1)   Don’t be late to classroom - Being late doesn't look great as an educator. On the off chance that you are advising your students to not be late in light of the fact that they can't be late for their future employment , then it's clearly not good to be late. Being late will likewise add worry to your day. Arrive a couple of minutes early and begin your day right.

2)  Don’t just follow the textbook – in my opinion, using textbooks are traditional approach and it is no longer being used ( usage of textbooks have decrease ). So, teachers shouldn’t depend too much on the textbooks only. A main reason would be the same information in textbooks can be more easily found on the internet.

3)  Don’t sit down and teach – teachers should avoid sitting down while teaching the students for the whole period. Cause those students who sit at the  back are not able to see the teacher who sit in front of the classroom. Students might missed out the important lessons in by teacher. This habit of a teacher shows their laziness and they are not being professional educators.

4)  Don’t create rules that are essentially unfair - Sometimes the rules themselves can put you in bad situations. For instance, if an educator has a decide that considers no work to be handed over after the chime rings then this could set up a troublesome circumstance. What if the student have a valid reason/excuse? What makes a valid excuse ?These are circumstances it is best to simply maintain a strategic distance from.

5)  Don’t use gadget in the classroom (mobile phone) – teacher shouldn't have phones since it takes the kids' brain off their work and ask this question "on the off chance that we can't have our telephone out why would you be able to" and this raises the children get in hell with their educators and guardians for posing those questions. That is the reason instructors shouldn't have phones in the classroom.

6)  Don’t lose control – as an educator, you should not lose control towards the students. The teacher must be very patient when  they are dealing students with unpredictable behaviours in the classroom. Because different students have different types of attitudes. Students must obey to the teacher’s instructions and respect them at the same time. So, don’t let students do whatever they want when we as a teacher being around in the classroom.

7)  Don’t be favouritism – being favouritism among students as an educator can cause conflict and low morale. It also can harm the teacher’s reputation. Every teachers should treat their students equally and give everyone adequate consideration and praise.

8)  Don’t compare the students with others – students don’t want the teacher to compare them with their friends. Because the student will feel embarrassing and feel down of their self. a teacher should motivate a student to boost their self-esteem but not to discourage them by comparing with other. This is why some students hate their teacher and the subject that they teach.

9)  Don’t give too many works and assessment – students hate too much of homework that given by their teachers. This is why most of them skip classes and do not performing well in their examination. Some students hate going to school because of this issue. Even I myself don’t prefer to do too many homework and assessments.

10)              Don’t gossip about other in the classroom – students do not want their teachers to talk unnecessary stuffs in the classroom. They feel bored when the teacher started to gossiping about others.

Last but not least, my classmates and I given a task by Dr. Ng to read about TOTTO-CHAN The Little Girl at The Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi.

 That’s all for today guys. Hope everyone enjoy reading my blog !! kindly drop your comments down there. Take care bubyee. Have a wonderful day ahead.

with LOVE,

just for fun guys :)