Monday 13 March 2017



Welcome back to the third reflection my dear viewers. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Last week my pedagogy class has been postponed to the following Wednesday from Tuesday. Because our lecturer Dr. Ng have to attend a meeting outside of the campus.

I also can’t make it to the following class due to some personal issues. I am really sorry for that Dr. Ng. But I still managed to get to know what have been taught in the classroom on that day by Dr. Ng. Some of my friends helped me to explain the topic of the day. Thank you guys. 😘

So, let’s come back to the topic on last week Wednesday.

Okie is there any ideas of the topic based on this picture ????
If yes!! You’re right. The topic is about  student-centered. Let me show a small explain on student–centered classroom.

We are given a task to read an article “NAVIGATING THE BUMPY ROAD TO STUDENT-CENTERED INSTRUCTION” by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent.

The task for our 3rd reflection is as shown in the picture below :

I have chose some issues based on the article. These are :-

💙 If I spend time in class on active learning exercises, ill never get through the syllabus.

·        Educator should choose an effective activity which can be used in the given period in the classroom.
For example, fishbow debate. Teachers can ask their students to form groups in three and assign different roles for each of them regarding a topic. Then debrief by calling on a few groups to summarize or narrow down about their discussion.

·        It is also essential for the educator to use the sufficient time wisely within 5 to 15 minutes for an effective learning process. On the other hand, educator wont dragging the duration of the class just for the activity and able to cover up the syllabus and the learning activity.

💙If I don’t lecturer, I’ll lose control of the class.

·        Assigning a group of students to “work together” will tend to make the classroom noisy. Because the students will be discussing more on the task given. And I believe, classroom is not a museum to be silent all the time. It is good if the classroom is noisy. At the same time, the teacher should be able to warn them if they keep on talking about unwanted/irrelevant topic in the classroom.

·        Teacher also can give 5 to 10 minutes break ( take 5 ) to students for a relaxation. By  this, students won’t make too much of noise in the classroom because they are given some time to chit chat among their friends. Even I myself have experienced this situation before. For instance, the duration of Pedagogy class is almost 4 hours. Dr.Ng always used to give break after a long
  discussion for us.

💙 I assign readings but many of my students don’t read them and those who do seem unable to understand the material independently.

·        To ensure the students have read the material/task given and for those who unable to understand it, quizzes and tests will be given in the classroom with presence of the teacher at the beginning of the period.

·        Educator can also having a discussion/brainstorming session based on the student’s answers of the quizzes. It will help them out to correct them and avoid doing the same mistakes in up coming tests/quizzes.

- As an example, teacher provide 3-4 case studies of similar difficulty. Divide students into many groups to work on it and analyze their case study in the classroom. Provide them 5 to 15 minutes for discussion and walk around to address any questions. At last, pick any group randomly to share their analysis based on their analysis. It shows students have no choice for not reading the case study given. At the same time, for those who unable to understand will have better understanding when it comes discussion because of share different ideas and point of the that particular topic.

💙If I assign homework, presentation, or projects in groups, some students will “hitchhike”, getting credit for work in which they did not actively participate.

·        All the group members are required to do presentation regarding the assignment/task given. Educator can evaluate the group members by questioning them.

·        Educator also can allow for Q & A session among the students based on the presentation have been presented. By this, the teacher can judge the ‘hitchhike’ of the group.
· Other than that, teacher can use reinforcement/punishment method for students to solve this issue. Those who failed to do their part in group presentation while be given low marks individually / for whole group.

See you guys soon on the my next reflection. I would like to end my 3rd reflection of pedagogy with a proverb for every woman out there. Here we go!!!

Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog and i am waiting for the comments roll in on my blog. Comment me!!! Take care, bubyee. Have a great day everyone.

With 💗,


  1. Realistic suggestions. I am hoping to witness some of them executed during mock teaching!

    1. Thank you for the feedback Dr.Ng 😊 I believe i have done my best during the mock teaching session as I have mentioned on my blog. and Im really sorry for the late reply Dr.Ng. Pls accept my sincere apologize.

  2. Good solution Vetha! Keep it up!
    waiting for your next post patientlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D

    1. Thank you Ling!! Will give my best in future.

  3. Hi Vetha ! Great job in today’s blog and good explanation for each methods. You really caught my eyes after reading your blog. Waiting to read your next blog post. Keep writing and take care 😃

    1. Hello Ash😊 Thanks ya and i hope my blog helps you. Keep motivating me my dear .TC

  4. What a nice blog! Keep looking on forward ya girl!

  5. Good solutions you provide there! Hope to see you utilise it in your teaching.
