Wednesday 22 March 2017

4th reflection

Guess what ?? It’s just me saying Hi again. I’m sorry my dear friends for the late update on my blog. Cause I have been very busy past few days and I never seem to get a minute to myself. I’m sorry again ya!!! Please accept my sincere apology.

So, guys let’s get into the 4th reflection of Pedagogy in Education. Before we start on the topic, I would like to say that teaching is not a easy job. Please don’t get surprised of my statement. Cause my lecturer Dr. Ng always used to ask that “ is that teaching is easy?”. First, I wasn’t serious about it. Then I realised on her statement. Do you know why I said so?? You guys will understand about it at the end of my reflection. Teaching is beyond than everything. 

The fourth reflection is all about LESSON PLAN. We were assigned to create our own lesson plan on last week Tuesday (14/3/17). Dr. Ng have taught us about the lesson plans with some examples of lesson plans from the Uniec virtual.

Okay, let me start the topic of the day. Do anyone knew WHAT IS A LESSON PLAN all about? Don’t worry friends. I’m here today to clear all the doubts that going to pop-up on everyone mind.

LESSON PLAN defined as a plan, which utilized by the teachers in every school with detailing the structure and format of lessons. It helps the educator in both arranging and executing the lesson. Other than that, teachers should know what they are teaching and why they are teaching it, before planning a lesson. A lesson plan is usually takes 40 minutes of duration. which means it is a single period of class.

Here we go with my very own lesson plan :-

Okay, let me explained about some of them that I have mentioned on my lesson plan. Before that, this is the cover page for lesson plan. Because a cover page of a lesson plan described shortly about the students’ background knowledge, learning objectives and learning outcomes and many more. This is why, the lesson plan is must be done before the class. So, the educator be able to consider students’ ability, age, learning preferences interests, available resource, previously taught information and also the institutional program.

Proficiency :
The level of proficiency of the students divided into 4 categories such as beginners, basic, intermediate and advanced.

  • Beginners refers as they are able to read and communicate using simple questions and statements, but can’t communicate and understand basic information during having discussion.
  • Basic refers to students who able to understand presentation and communicate descriptions of problems and solutions, but they can’t take it  an active role in class / can if perform well on related task given.
  • Intermediate refers to the students who can take an active role in class during discussions and perform relatively complex task.
  • Advanced describes the students who able to communicate well and collaborate much like a native English speaker.
Background knowledge :
Refers to the previous knowledge or lesson that have taught to students before in the classroom.

Learning objectives :
3-4 learning objectives are good enough for a lesson plan. It is about what students will learn which included with lesson aim, lesson objective, learning goals, teaching objectives, learning intentions and WALT ( We are learning to).

For example :
·       πŸ“–work effectively in groups.
·        πŸ“–Use evidence to draw conclusion.
πŸ“–Make at least 5 simple sentences 

Learning outcomes :
Refers to the clear and measurable criteria for guiding the teaching, learning, and assessment process in the course.

Values :
It is also known as moral values / positive values of the topic that going to teach by the educator.

For an example :
· πŸ“–Cooperation among students when doing pair and group work. (COOPERATION)
·      πŸ“–  Attentiveness

Teaching aids :
Refers to what kind of teaching aids that we use to educate the learners.

For instance :
·      πŸ“– Notebook
·       πŸ“–Lcd projector
·       πŸ“–Worksheet
·       πŸ“–Video clips
·      πŸ“– Slideshow presentation

Teaching and learning approaches :
It describes the set of principles, beliefs or ideas about nature of learning which is translated into the classroom. Teachers should not confine themselves to a single teaching approaches, but synthesize from a variety of methods. Because different approaches will attract students’ attention/interest.

For example :
πŸ“šCooperative learning
  • mentor
  • facilitator
πŸ“šCollaborative learning

πŸ“šDirect instruction
  • Expert
  • Formal authority
πŸ“š Inquiry – Based learning
  • Delegator
  • Personal model

KBKK stands for “Kemahiran Berfikir Secara kritis & kreatif” is known as critical and creative thinking skills. The critical and creative thinking skills must be apply based on Bloom’s Taxanomy on the lesson plan.

There are 3 main thing in lesson plan is needed as mentioned by Dr. Ng.

Step 1 : introduction ( pre)
  ΓΌ Introduces students about the topic that going to teach. 
  ΓΌ 10 minutes.

Step 2 : development (during)
  ΓΌ Assign students with an activity in the classroom.
  ΓΌ 25 minutes.

Step 3 : conclusion / closure (post)  
  ΓΌ Lesson wrap-up
  ΓΌ Students summarize the major concepts.
  ΓΌ Teacher recaps the main points.
  ΓΌ 10 minutes.


Rationale :
ΓΌ Explain why the teacher teach that particular topic in the classroom.

AVA (Audio Visual Aids) :
ΓΌ Refers about any device which can be used to make the learning experience more concentrate, more realistic and more dynamic. 

Reflection :
  ΓΌ Optional
  ΓΌ Depends on schools

Last but not least.....

Appendix :
The last part of the lesson plan. It is the copy of the worksheets, material or handouts that have been used in the classroom.

So, that’s all from me for this 4th reflection. 




Stay tuned for my up coming posts. Hope everyone enjoy reading my blog. Take care, Bubyee. πŸ˜‰

With Love,
Vethashini teacher πŸ’‹❤



  1. Hi Vetha! thank you for the explanation for the lesson plan :D
    Keep fighting keep writing! looking forward for your next post!

    1. HI Ling 😊 Thank you for keep reading my blog and for the motivating feedbacks.. Take care!!

  2. Hello there my friend! Great job in today’s blog. The great part in today’s blog is you provided explanation for each and it was simple to understand. Excellent job ! Waiting to read and see your next blog post. Take care Vetha πŸ˜ƒ

    1. Hello buddy 😊 Thank you for the heart warming feedback my friend. Hope you enjoy reading my blog post. Take care ya!!

  3. What a good explanation on lesson plan! I hope that you will teach me on how to use the lesson plan perfectly as well :D

    1. Hye there!! Thanks ya. I think I have explained you well on my blog post about lesson plan.

  4. Hi vetha... Good Job done.. I can really understand alll the explanation although it is written in a simple way but It is easier to be understood.. Keep Up The Good Work..

    1. Good day priscilla! Thank you for the feedback. Hope you enjoy reading my blog. Yeah sure!! Keep support ya !!

  5. Hi! Good lesson plan template you have.
